Thursday, July 7, 2011

Snappy Spinach Fry

I went out and bought a bike this morning.  All through spring and early summer, I have been fantasizing about riding a bike.  I was jumpy all morning waiting for lunch break, so I could pull out my shiny new bike, and take it for a spin.  After the initial scramble for balance (from not having touched a bike in years), I set off like a free bird.  It was a thrilling, exhilarating experience, just me and nature in a quiet, peaceful setting with a view of lush green grass and colorful flowers, and the birds keeping tune with my gleeful humming.  Despite the daily commute, I feel fortunate to be able to work in such pretty surroundings, a place that is a tranquil retreat, away from the city’s industrial concrete, and the hustle and bustle of suburban fast food joints and supermarkets. Also, it is a secure place for a “re-beginner” to ride a bike, due to the absence of traffic. J
I returned to my desk with a chirpiness scarcely seen on warm afternoons in employees who would much rather prefer to nap after a heavy lunch!  If a short bike alone can be so exhilarating, I paused to wonder, what does a pilot feel like when launching into the air, soaring above the clouds, leaving the ground and lesser mortals beneath him?  It must be a breath-taking, liberating experience!  Having imagined that, I am now back to my computer, trying to get a few words in, before I dive into a new assignment.  Today’s recipe is a very simple spinach fry, that can be eaten as is, or loaded with frills and fancies, whatever your heart desires (You can tell I am still a little high here – exercise, endorphins, the works…)
Spinach fry
2 cups chopped spinach – fresh or frozen
1/4 cup sliced onion (optional)
1/2 tsp finely chopped green chilies (optional)
1 tbsp oil
Salt to taste
1 tsp Curry powder
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp fenugreek seeds
Heat oil in a pan, add cumin and fenugreek seeds for a few seconds until roasted.  Add the sliced onions, and sauté until pink.  Add spinach, salt and curry powder.  Cook covered for a few minutes at medium heat, stir occasionally.  Spinach cooks real quick, so you have something tasty and healthy to eat, in a snap.  Hats off to spinach for being one of the most nutritious vegetables -  it is very high in calcium, fiber, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, riboflavin, selenium, thiamin, vitamin A, vitamin B6 and vitamin C.  The only downside is that it is high in sodium.

Variations for this dish include the addition of garlic, other vegetables and tofu.  Simple and succulent, this is a real hit in any season. 

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